Took Awhile on this project
The SPL Typhoon has went through a lot of changes over the years making it one step closer to setting the next and hard to beat world record numbers.
Early years of this beast hitting numbers like 163db and now years later with SPL readings of 174’s…
The Typhoon has six 15″ woofers that had changed brands over time,
being powered by 12 amplifiers, 2 amps per sub at a power level of 16,800 watts.
With this kind of power it took a lot of energy to run this beast, that’s why it was backed by 24 batteries, 2 – 250amp alternators and a lot of zero gauge wire.
Pressure levels would get so high we had a never ending chore of reinforcing the interior and exterior with 1/4″ steel and filing the doors with concrete, reinforcement rails and bolts to ratchet the doors shut just to keep this thing sealed, keeping all that pressure inside to push the db mics to there highest.